Opening Sequences pt 2
How is the sequence engaging and how does it conform to traditional Thriller codes and conventions?
The three thriller openings I have chosen are The Batman (2022), Get out (2017), and Shutter island (2010)
The Batman opener is an opener that brings a viewer's attention to a specific point very easily, this is done very cleverly due to the use of binoculars. The binoculars also help to restrict the view of the watcher, which may build up a feeling of anxiety as they can not see the full picture but are restricted to what Batman can see.
The Pov if shot is very clever as watchers feel as they are Batman and as this is the opener they don't know yet what the focus is supposed to be on or what is happening at this point in time. The close-up breathing effect really captivates watchers as this again makes watchers feel as if they are in the Batman mask and as there is not a focus on other sounds at this point the focus on breathing can make viewers feel uncomfortable. The breathing patterns can also reflex Batman's stress at this point in time. The use of low lighting is a convention used in other thrillers to create a feeling of mystery, in this opener and the whole of the movie, this is a movie that is set in a "dark" world. There is a use warm lighting when there is lighting used in this film there is very rarely bright cold lighting. With the point of view shot, we can see an unknown character dressed in red, we can't see their face but the figure is carrying a sword and proceeding to stab someone. Later we can see that this is just play fighting but this adds to the suspense and also may foreshadow the incoming death.
The opening of the movie Get Out is a scene that foreshadows events that will later make complete scencse to the watcher. When us watchers comprehend what is going on it is one of those moments were we can tell the character is in danger but they dont know it yet.
Most thriller use low lighting which creates a vast amount of shadows the use of shadows creates a sense of eeriness as anything could be lurking in the unknown.
The character in this opening seems to be lost and we can tell that this character is more of an oblivious and calm person. He seems to have very little fear which can cause anxiety for the watcher as we know what is most likely going to happen as we can see behind the character, but he does not know what is going to happen as he is focused on finding a way home.
The moment that he gets kidnapped the director plays with the feeling of keeping us on our seat as suddenly we cant see whats going on and then suddenly we can see the kidnapper is out of the car then he has a black figure coming for him. Again using the fear of the unknown.

When we are taken inside the ship we first see a man throwing up in a bathroom, this bathrrom is not a pleasnt and comfortable but is cold, harsh and dirty.
The whole inside of this ship a unpleasant and has no source of comfort about it, we can see in a close up shot of the main character the pain and disgust he is feeling. The use of water being washed on his face looks like sweat which is usually a sign in movies that a character is unwell and in this case this foreshadows to the end of the movie that this character is mentally sick but this is shown at the start of the movie with him throwing up.
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