Greys Anatomy Representative Essay

Greys Anatomy Representative Essay 

From the very beginning of this clip, we can very clearly see this is a medical drama, through the use of the building the actors are in and the outfits they are wearing. A very big clue from the very start is that the man guarding the door against any males entering in is wearing a stethoscope, this immediately tells watchers that this is set in a hospital which plainly gives away that this is a hospital drama. The use of language used by the man guarding the door saying “Sir” tells viewers that this is not a relaxed environment but an environment where a level of respect and mature language must be maintained. When the woman is allowed in the room but the man is not, it strikes a level of intrigue into the watcher as we want to know why this doctor was stopped from going into the room and by the small smirk on the man’s face at the door we can start to come up with ideas that there is something noble happening behind the scenes that we yet do not know about yet. When the camera moves into the hallway, we can see that this passage is filled with a large number of just women, and this further strikes at the watcher’s curiosity. We get a medium close-up of a character where we can see the expressions on her face clearly but can also see the subject in her environment. The lady has a look of confusion as she asks a fellow nurse why they have all been called here but we still do not get an answer as the woman is interrupted by a woman that says they just need to be there for a patient. This further pushes out intrigue as we do not know still what is going on, but we are revealed little clues on what is going on. In this little interaction between the characters, we can see a clear scene of diversity. Race is one of the core representative groups in film and this can be seen very clearly here as we get a black woman, a white woman, and an Arab woman wearing a hijab. This shows the diversity of races in this workplace, the meaning of this will be explored later on in this scene. Later on we can see that the women wearing scrubs they all wearing different colors and styles which can hint at the idea of diversity, and that even though they are all different they can come together to support a fellow woman in need. After this interaction, there is an interesting use of audio, editing, and camera work as we can see many nurses lining up against the walls in a “stacking” manner. This camera moves backward as the woman files up onto the wall which begins to show the volume of the woman involved in this situation which adds to the significance of this scene. The editing adds a blurred speed-up effect to the subjects which adds to the “disorientated” feel of this moment coming up. The diegetic sounds in this scene begin to echo and distort, and we start to hear a heart beating which can represent the patient’s heartbeat at this moment. There is a Pov shot of the patient in her bed as we get a woman saying, “Are you ready?” which disrupts the echoing diegetic sounds. This Pov shot is a low-angle shot that gives a character a sense of power and authority, and this is very important as we get a close-up shot of the patient’s face we can see the distress, anxiety, and uncertainty on her face. The small detail of the woman’s mouth opening a little shows that she is in a state of shock and also her eyes opening shows that what she is seeing has left her speechless. Then there is a wide shot of the hallway and here we can see what this has all built up to. A guard of honor has been formed for the patient in this hospital bed. In this shot, we can see the extent of support that this woman has. In this guard of honor, we can see the full diversity of race, and age and there is no class status present. Everyone is seen as equal and is treated the same. Women are being represented in this episode and this can be seen in these shots. The close-up shots of the nurse holding the patient’s hands show signs of empathy and compassion. The women standing behind the patient’s bed all pushing her shows the amount of support behind this woman. The number of women standing in this guard of honor showcases how women are portrayed in this scene, as being caring, supportive, and heartfelt. A possible suggestion why men are not allowed in is that men are not as empathetic, emotionally intelligent, and “caring” as women are. The women have built a safe place for the patient as she is in a low state in her life right now so these women have created a safe haven for this woman where she can feel appreciated and she can feel as if she is not the only person fighting. The music that starts to play is very emotional music that is sung by a woman which again adds to the representation of woman. When the patient is wheeled down the hallway we get close-up shots of the woman with tears streaming down her face which can tell viewers that this woman is overcome by all the support she has been shown and this adds to the fact that the comfort of the nurses has brought a sense of security to the patient. In the guard of honor we can see all ages and all cultures which conveys that these women are inclusive and support of each other no matter of race or age. This whole scene has shown that women are seen as supportive and put their busy lives on pause to show compassion to a “sister” in need. 


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