
Showing posts from August, 2023


Media consumer get a sense of identity from the media they consume. From media u consume such as magazines, movies and social media you get a sense of who u are and who you want to be.   In this clip gender is being represented through the stereotype that woman can only contribute to society through means of "cooking and cleaning". This representation can be seen through technical elements such as camera, sound, editing and mise en scene. The woman in this clip is applying to be a maid which has a connotation of being apart of a low socio economic class this also contributes to another stereotype that men make more money than woman. As there is a lack of representation of men in this environment which represents class and status explaining that men make more money than woman and that woman must rely on men to achieve higher class status. Audiences can form a sense of identity toward the woman through watching this clip as Gauntlets   theory states that audiences get a sense o